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2017 deer season


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  • 4 weeks later...
Thanks for starting the thread - this week is it for me so I won’t be crazy picky by weeks end-smack one to Bud- If I know you , you got your sights on one-send some pics

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Haha, ya I do.. Saw one of them Last Thursday but no shot. Passed a 3 1/2 year old 8pt that I may regret but oh well.
Trying to get my daughter on one tonight, she had this small 8 just outside of range Saturday but man she was excited..20171104_173755.jpg

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Got into my stand this AM in 9W just as the snow began, light at first then it picked up off and on for the next 3 hours. Saw absolutely zero between my friend and I. He had to work so the plan was for him to get out of his stand at noon and we would walk out together. Got out of my stand a little early- bladder full! Ducked under a tree and waited for my friend. No sooner was I under the tree when this busted up guy walks broadside 30 yards away. Not a beast but I’m happy to have it with limited time to bow hunt. The shot was just to perfect to pass, from the ground no less- my stand was 40 yards away.. Good luck all- butchering day tomorrow!IMG_0784.HEICIMG_0786.HEIC

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I’m just finishing grinding the last of my deer up. Trying some smoked bacon with it.Thread has been quiet so thought I would share this- multiple puncture wounds on his right shoulder and neck. What’s everyone seeing? I’m back out for a doe tomorrow- frigid this AM. Good luck all IMG_0795.JPG

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, what a tough few days of opening week. Seems like it was all or bust. Doe's are definitely hunkered down. Did finally get some action last night when this guy came by chasing doe's. He was grunting and almost didn't stop after they all ran underneath me. Not a giant but an average gun season deer. Passed up this piebald spike too, hope he makes it to next year.20171120_181956.jpg20171120_171633.jpg20171119_072650.jpg20171115_153242.jpg

Sent from my SM-G935V using Lake Erie United Mobile App

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