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Everything posted by shinintimes

  1. Barcelona you can stay at the Theater motel make reservations now 716-326-2161 worm harnesses on lead core Dipsey's or downriggers if the weather is and has been stable you'll do fine !!! Good Luck
  2. Sorry about the late report but that trip gets harder every year {5 hours one way} Fished Saturday and Sunday in 50 to 65 fow the fleet was a little east so we went west just past the perch nets 2 man limit in 3 hrs on Saturday and 1 hr on Sunday running four rods dipsey's on a 3 setting out 90' and 100' downriggers 22' and 32' all worm harnesses anything with gold or copper .. So all you guys that live 4 5 or 6 hrs away and always wanted to fish Erie the good old days are right now !!!
  3. I asked the same question a long time ago and the word is they don't work as well as the real thing … wash your worms and keep them on ice packs
  4. This must be white boat john from oak orchard .. i'll tell you one thing you couldn't have found 2 better guys to go with on erie or lake O we will be staying next door to Ed for 10 days in 2 weeks and hope to get Dennis out on our boat great couple guys !! Good to see your still around we talked a couple years ago at captains cove r
  5. When you get it out of storage can you send pictures to my phone ? Thanks Paul
  6. Hay guys I'm looking for trolling rods not to heavy and match up well with daiwa lcs don't want to spend more on rods then I paid for the reels tried buying on line and that didn't work out very well.. I would rather hold in hand but here in northeast Pa no one has trolling rods in stock any help would be appreciated !!
  7. Let us know how you do John .. Good Luck
  8. I cant speak for everyone but my hooks are about 4 inches apart and as far as blades I have tied a bunch of double blades but since I don't have a lot of confidence In them they don't see as much time in the water as my single blades ( not saying they don't work everything has a time and place ) I have a regular program and when I start to change that fishing is slow. I fish late June to September around Barcelona and run 6 rods 4 harnesses ( a lot of gold ) and 2 rapala taildancers ( purpledecent and a custom painted wonderbread ) sorry to be so long winded but I hope this helps... Paul
  9. I would say most of the guys on this site fish NY and my guess is you want to fish Ohio if so there are a couple sites that maybe more helpful www.walleye.com and I think Ohio outdoors
  10. 2 and 4 from the top will fill the box !! I use that blade with brown and red beads call it the ( Get R Done ) downrigger leadcore dipsey don't matter
  11. Very good idea !!! if we ever get this season started I will do the same thanks for the tip
  12. At the top of the page it says SOLD/CLOSED !!! Gamekilr has a set of mag 10s
  13. Thanks John i'll do that right now ... went to Chaumont about 3 weeks a go fished Saturday and got over 200 perch between the 2 of us ran home early sunday before the snow hit
  14. I just ordered some stuff from walleyesupply.com and came across the looks alive minnow beads (had to have um) just wondering has anyone used them ? BTW that site has great prices on beads blades and hooks
  15. A lot of guys seem to really like them I'm not crazy about twisting my line up or having the release above my ball but that's only because its new.. I'm one of them guys that's not crazy about change but if it keeps me from dragging one fish i'm sure i'll learn to love it !! Good Luck
  16. Sorry about your loss !! I'll be staying at 4C's for 10 days in may been doing it for about 12 years had a boat up there for a few years and now fish out of Barcelona every chance I get the rest of the summer most of the time I post after the trip
  17. Just ordered 3 one for a back up from Fish USA .. Thanks guys !!
  18. Russsel let me call andy he may want them
  19. Good idea lineman I'll check youtube now !! Thank you
  20. Thanks J.. I was also wondering do you have any trouble with hook set on bigger fish I know walleye are hard mouthed I cant tell you how many walleye come undone in the net and that's with cannon releases
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