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About yellowpike

  • Birthday 09/22/1960

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    somewhere on smokecreeks near lake erie

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  1. am real surprised that all the boats out there for the vet fishing days that noboby didn't stop to help this guy out must every man for them seft great job Steve what do say never leave a man down
  2. thank you sir
  3. how deep were you fishing
  4. we went to west then trolled back
  5. we fished straight out of the catt on sunday in four footers trolled with the wind 52 to 68 ft
  6. we fished today out of the catt today did well three man limit of eyes and a cat
  7. https://www.airbnb.com/
  8. there was bait at the ft of ont on sunday not sure of now
  9. Lackawanna hamburg area we can set something let know what good for you
  10. interested in Lowrance Lc x-15 gps fish finder there is no price
  11. its took us alittle time to find are own fishthere were guys putting a hurting on a small pod fish so we move around till we found some ended up with about 60 a few hogs over 14 in we didn't start fishing till noon
  12. wow !!!!
  13. there one for sale on the facebook market place $3,000 1997 Trophy 2002 20’ . Boat is solid, Hull, floor. Clean. No electronics, just a CB. Has kicker motor mount. Needs lights hooked up. Mercury 150 hp offshore recently rebuilt. Just fully serviced. Gas tank drained. New gas. Steering hooked up. Tuned, lubed. Runs great. Needs trim pump. Trailer is a 1997 Escort trailer. Brand new springs. Had to remove one fender.i have needs to be put back on. Paperwork for boat. Once Boat is in water. I can weigh trailer and get paperwork.
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