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  1. What happened to Phone app???
  2. Two Saturdays ago we did well tween Center Rd. and Purina. Good size as well-85-93'. Last Fri was spectacular, we had a three man limit with a 6 fish box we wish we had Sat for SSbay shootout-35lb+. Sat we started with a 25" and threw back double digit 20 inchers. Same area.
  3. Thanks! Sent from my SM-G781V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  4. Yesterday west of creek 90 ft. Seven keepers in three hours. Had to entice them: popping riggers, popping dipseys: yanking on ten color lead line. Fish were 50-70 ft down. Biggest was four lbs.
  5. https://teachinfishin.com/8steps.html Sent from my SM-G781V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  6. Where were you? Direction, speed, accurate depth, pheromones on you hands???? Some people are just blessed. Where were you? Sent from my SM-G781V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  7. Fished Saturday west of Catt. 70-80ft was best. Set baits 10 -15' from bottom. Bright colors - pinks, oranges... Got nine in a couple of hours. Sent from my SM-G781V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  8. Anyone know the origin of the banana thing? Sent from my SM-G781V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  9. Hey Prof JD, Where we going after yesterday? Sent from my SM-G781V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  10. Where? Sent from my SM-G781V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  11. What about the transom? Sent from my SM-G781V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  12. Left wing lunatics don't care about results. They just care about good intentions. How can you question intentions?
  13. How long How hot Precooked bacon??? Sent from my XT1710-02 using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  14. Saturday my friend and I went to 70 ft of water between Evangola and res windmill. Nine in the box. We caught 20 fish, lots of dinks. Pretty rough for two guys and Mr. Garmin. Like a washing machine out there, love it! Fire tiger, as always worked the best. Nine pounder was the cherry on top! Big one was on ten colors of lead, and was fun! Bills shut out Miami! Great weekend! ! Sent from my XT1710-02 using Lake Erie United Mobile App
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