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King Slammin

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Everything posted by King Slammin

  1. We fished the Innovative Outdoors Tourney this weekend. Pre fished Thursday, fished the big fish Friday event, and the main event yesterday. With over 150 walleye boated in three days, we had a blast. Some big lakers and nice steelhead mixed in as well. Unfortunately, we never did find the size of fish we were looking for. And we threw everything at them. Our best producer was spoons on our riggers. 10 color with Bomber Long A's and Divers took fish with a mix of spoons and sticks. We caught over 50 yesterday but only 5 over 20" which is the minimum length for the tournament. I had fun in Dunkirk for the weekend but after reeling in that many eyes, I'm glad to back on Lake Ontario this week chasing kings. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  2. https://lakeeriewalleyetournament.com/ Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  3. I'll see you at the tourney Friday and Saturday Ron. Coming down to your neck of the woods with Carl to try and win some money this time. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  4. I'm doing good mike. Been working my tail off since finishing chemo. Making up for lost time. Ice will be here before you know it Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  5. Me too. Clown is my go to color Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  6. Pretty cool catch for a trip on Erie though Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  7. The eye will tell you it's not a king too. The king has that intense, mean looking eye Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  8. Bonus laker on the first day too Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  9. One of my buckets from last years trip. How can I not go out there again Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  10. I picked up a bunch of PK lures, jigging raps, and kastmasters marked down to $2.40 or $1.60. After losing a few grand worth of gear to Chaumont Bay last ice season, it was nice to replenish some tackle. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  11. That's a saying I live by. The only time I leave fish to find fish is when the area gets crowded or they are all dinks. Sometimes it's a certain direction that gets the bites, sometimes it's a certain speed. We did our first good box this year bottom bouncing at .9-1.1 mph, and the next week it was all dipseys and riggers at 1.7 mph. Sometimes it's leadcore in the top 20'. Just have to be prepared for all the possibilities and find what triggers them Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  12. East Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  13. We did 9 eyes today. Much tougher bite. Only 5 keepers. Lost about 5 including a really nice one. A lot of short hits too. It was beautiful out and got a few for my buddy's freezer. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  14. I use homemade 10# fish shaped weights painted black when fishing for eyes. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  15. A trick I learned along time ago salmon fishing. When you see fish streaking up to your weights on fish finder then dropping back down, a lot of times a shorter lead will get the bait in front of them before they lose interest. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  16. Short leads on riggers. Only 7' back Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  17. Downriggers were 1-2' off bottom with short leads and dipsies were close too as I would tick bottom on inside turns. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  18. Was a great day out there today. Riggers and dipseys. All harnesses. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  19. State launch SW side Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  20. I fished sturgeon Monday from 11-3 and only got one 22" eye and lost two others. Barely marked any fish at all. We tried 45-55' with harnesses and sticks. Only bites were on harnesses Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  21. I'll post it on July 1st when we do the drawing. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  22. Slow for us out of Olcott. Made it to Wilson and back by noon with only 4 of 5 bites landed. All kings, biggest was about 12 lbs. It's been that way for a few days Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  23. Here they are, hot off the press. I will have tickets for sale at the benefit tomorrow. I'll also be accepting PayPal ([email protected]) for those of you that can't make it and want to get in on these prizes. Just leave me a name, address, and phone number in comments, and I'll mail your stub. A $20 donation gets you a chance at one of these great prizes. Thank you again to those that have donated their time and money to help me, help my mom. My cell is 716-316-1831 if anybody has any questions ASB Tackle Tom Andrewws (Voodoo Custom Tackle) Capt Jim Skoczylas Capt Vince and Stephanie Pierleoni Capt Mark Mcgranahan Capt Roger Young Capt Matt Bedient Capt Carl Martin LOU member Finsntins Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  24. I was out Saturday and Sunday too. We searched from the windmills in 15-40' over to Meyers and back over top Seneca. Ran in to donnellys wall and the other break walls at the mouth and only a few bass. I bottom bounced harnesses, trolled deep divers and shallow sticks on 2-5 colors of lead, straight deep divers on braid, etc. We marked very few fish, and what we did mark was glued to structure. Even tried jigging the structure for a bit with no luck. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  25. I went back to the windmills again today but fished deeper 35-40' and struck out again. We worked our way out into the sandy flats and even made a run out near Meyers and came back over Seneca. Three bass is all we got to show for it. One was 5.5 lbs. all were caught on two colors with a purple and gold flicker shad. Missed a couple short hits on harnesses but not much even marked. I know they're out there somewhere. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
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