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Erie rookie

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Posts posted by Erie rookie

  1. Fist trip to Erie for Us this year. Was up from Wednesday to Saturday. Didn’t get out Wednesday Do to the wind. Thursday only got out for about an hour due to the wind. Did end up finding a few fish in 65-70’ of water. Friday went to same area To the West and picked up 15. Mix of sticks and harnesses. Few on riggers but most on lead core. 45-60 down. Saturday Went even further toward PA line and just couldn’t find to many fish. Did end up getting 6 on harnesses in 60-85’. Went back to same area as Friday and picked up 9 more. All on harnesses. Lead core caught the most for us. Only been fishing on Erie the last 3 years (trip or 2 a year) Did the wind and front that came through scatter the walleye? I never did mark any schools of fish like in the past. Anybody figure out where the eyes where hiding? All and all good trip. Kids had fun! 

  2. Saturday Went west 65-80 foot of water. Slow pick but did end up with 8 including a 10lber which was my daughters biggest ever. Sticks and harness both caught fish. Down riggers around 45’, 7 and 8 color lead cores 
    Today Went west again and ended up with 3 man limit 65-75’ . Purple, pinks  with white worked. Half sticks and half harnesses. Riggers, and lead cores

    Good luck! Thanks everybody for posting 

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  3. First trip to Erie and it was a good one. Fished the 26th and 27th. Friday caught between 35 and 40 in only 4 hours lost track. Couldn’t keep rods in water. Biggest was 8.5 lbs and smallest was 17 1/2 inches. Worm harnesses were hot but did get a few on a bomber long A. 53’ of water was best for us. Saturday they seemed to have spread out but did get another 40 through the day. Caught them on riggers lead-core and bottom bouncers. Wanted to try some different ways and they all worked.  My daughter and I want to thank everyone who posts on here. It helped us out a lot! Buffalo launch was great along with the fish cleaning station.  What rigger releases does everyone use?  My off shore releases didn’t pop all the time. I have the medium tension. Think I should order some of the light off shore white ones. 

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