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Posts posted by bud

  1. We came out of Dunkirk sunday for first time this year. We were only boat to go east out of harbor. Had a 2nd hand report of eyes in the Hill area NE in 55-60 fow. Lumpy 2-3s out of west. Got there set up didn't like what we saw. Had temp in 70's right down to the bottom. No picture. Headed for nearest deep water NW of the Hill about 3 miles. WE call it the ditch. Set up in 95 fow trolling east with waves. We started picking away at them at 90 fow. Dipseys # 2 out 130, 7 colors with sticks off boards on 1 side. other side 10 colors off boards with sticks. WE had a thermal cline down about 65 ft. We ended up with 12 eyes. We were in front of center road when we finished in about 65 fow. Good luck to everyone in the Shootout!!!

    Been marking fish also great reporting

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
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